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GD Lead Group brings together 6 well-established companies in the Quebec real estate sector. Our dynamic group specializes in the development, construction, management and leasing of real estate projects. Located in Boisbriand, on Montreal's North Shore, these companies have forged a reputation for excellence over the years, based on the expertise and know-how of their team.

Founded in 2011,

Our history


Nous nous distinguons de la concurrence par nos valeurs humaines, notre esprit collaboratif et notre transparence envers nos multiples partenaires, investisseurs et clients. Ces valeurs fondamentales forment la pierre d’assise de notre entreprise et de nos 6 filiales, et nous en tirons une très grande fierté.


Notre mission est d’entreprendre et de mener à terme des projets immobiliers lucratifs et d’envergure sur le marché québécois. Pour y arriver, nous misons en partie sur l’intégration verticale de nos expertises, ce qui nous confère une agilité sans pareille.


Nous visons à offrir de formidables occasions d’affaires pour nos investisseurs, partenaires et clients en développant des projets de qualité ayant un solide potentiel de rendement à long terme. Toujours à l’affût de nouvelles occasions, nous avons pour objectif de favoriser la diversification de notre portefeuille.

What set us apart from the competition are our human values, our collaborative spirit and our transparency towards our many partners, investors and customers. These fundamental values form the cornerstone of our company and our 6 subsidiaries, and we take great pride in them.


Our mission is to undertake and complete lucrative, large-scale real estate projects in the Quebec market. To achieve this, we rely in part on the vertical integration of our expertise, giving us unparalleled agility.


Our aim is to provide tremendous business opportunities for our investors, partners and customers by developing quality projects with solid long-term return potential. Always on the lookout for new opportunities, we aim to diversify our portfolio.


Choosing GD Lead,

It's opting for a service

VIP et Proactif

Specialized and Technological

VIP and Proactive

Human and attentive

The GD Lead Group's subsidiaries each specialize in a well-defined branch of the real estate sector, enabling the group to control every stage of the projects it undertakes, from site prospecting and development to construction, property management and leasing. Thanks to the vertical integration of its subsidiaries, the GD Lead Group is able to draw on the related expertise of its extended team members, thus benefiting from exceptional agility in the completion of its complex projects.

Our team

Real Estate-Construction-Finance

Tommy-John Gélinas


Vicky Gélinas


Cindy Gélinas


France Dubé

Accounting & Administration Director

Mary-Line Brun

Construction Director

Fabien Dessureault

Development & Operation Manager 

Ann-Sophy Nault

Development & Construction Project Manager

Fanny Pelland

Accountant technician

Florence Larochelle

Operations Service Agent

Marc-André Sarrazin

Daycare Director Le Petit Château & Le Château des Poupons

Nathalie Drolet

Daycare Director Les Petits Voyageurs du Nord I & II

Dominique Gauthier

Daycare coordinator Les Petits Voyageurs du Nord III

Karine Fournier




Patrick Dumouchel

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